Conference publications

We are please to share a few important updates on post-conference publications.

1) Conference proceedings

If you wish to submit a full paper to be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published in the Proceedings journal, after peer-review, please note that a digital object identifier (DOI) will be assigned for each published paper. No article process charge (APC) is required from authors.

The paper (min. 4 pages and max. 8 pages, incl. figures, tables, and references) should be prepared following the Instructions to Authors and using the template provided, submitted via the conference ConfTool system. It is the authors’ responsibility for the correction of the text and following academic standards and ethics guidelines.

The submission deadline is July 15, 2024 with NO extension. For how to submit, please refer to the instructions on the conference website:

2) Special journal issues

Additionally, we have arranged for some special issues that you may consider a submission. Please note that the papers submitted to any of these special issues will be undergoing peer-review process of the corresponding journal. For details, please visit the Publication page on the conference website:

Finally, please be advised that only papers with at least one registered co-author can be considered for the conference proceedings.